Dear colleagues, dear federations,
We are proud to present the 1st edition of “Fascination Archery” in English. It’s a digital magazine! – and it’s for FREE. To read it, you have to register once at:
Attached you will find the QR code on the front page. In the 1st edition the preview of the Olympic Games is the focus of the new “Fascination Archery”.
Shooters’ qualification begins on July 25th, one day before the opening ceremony. We highly appreciate if you could spread the information in your federation and to all archery athletes in your country. We are excited about your feedback. Please send your comments to me or editor-in-chief Harald Strier (
All the best,
Thilo von Hagen
Thilo von Hagen Referent Öffentlichkeitsarbeit Deutscher Schützenbund e.V.German Shooting Sport & Archery FederationLahnstr. 120 – 65195 Wiesbaden |