Izvršni odbor WAE na sjednici održanoj od 24.-25. studenog u Londonu usvojio je kandidaturu Hrvatskog streličarskog saveza za Europski Grand Prix koji će se održati od 9.-14. lipnja 2020. u Poreču.
Izvod odluka:
WAE Executive Board meeting was held on 24-25 November 2018 in London, hosted by Archery GB.
- European Grand Prix
The Executive Board allocated the 2020 European Grand Prix to Croatia Archery Association. The event will be held in Porec (CRO) from 9 to 14 June 2020.
Run Archery
The Executive Board allocated the first leg of 2019 Run Archery Cup as it follows:
1st European Run Archery Cup will be held in Estonia from 12 to 14 July 2019
2nd European Run Archery Cup TBC
- 2020 Calendar highlights
The Executive Board allocated the following events in 2020:
WAE Congress 19 May Antalya (TUR)
European Para Archery Ch. 18-26 April Olbia (ITA)
European Grand Prix 9-14 June Porec (CRO)
Para Archery Cup Circuit 2nd leg 15-21 June Nove Mesto (CZE)
European Youth Cup 6-11 July Bucharest (ROU)
European 3D Championships 14-19 July Maribor (SLO)
Club Teams Cup 3-4 October TBC