za iskazivanje interesa za I. Kup mladih 2015. u Klagenfurtu od 19.- 23. svibnja 2015.
Krajnji rok prijave za I. Kup mladih je 29. travnja 2015. Molimo zainteresirane za sudjelovanje na Kupu da se jave e-mail porukom u ured saveza najkasnije do 28. travnja. Ovisno o iskazanom interesu organizirat će se zajedničko putovanje.
Kotizacija je 60 €, a cijene smještaja kreću se od 58-95 € osoba/noć.
Troškove prijevoza, kotizacije i smještaja snose natjecatelji kroz stipendiju, uz financiranje matičnih klubova ili drugi oblik samofinanciranja.
Dubravko Buden
Lana Fundelić Koller
Krešimir Štrukelj
On behalf of the Organizing Committee and the Austrian Archery Federation I am pleased to invite you to the first leg of the “EUROPEAN YOUTH CUP 2015” which will be held in Klagenfurt (Austria), from 19th May – 23rd May 2015.
This event will be organised following the “EUROPEAN YOUTH CUP COMPETITION 2015” rules for Junior Women, Junior Men, Cadet Women and Cadet Men classes in divisions of recurve and compound bow, in the discipline of Outdoor Target Archery.
Attached you will find all the necessary documents concerning the registration, organisation and participation in this event. We kindly ask you for your response within the stated deadlines:
Hotel Reservation Form (Preliminary) 29th March 2015
Transportation Form 29th April 2015
Final Hotel Reservation Form 29th April 2015
Budget Form 29th April 2015
Final Entries 29th April 2015
I am looking forward to welcoming you in Klagenfurt (Austria).
Yours sincerely,
Mrs. Trudy Medwed
President of the Organizing Committee
President of the Austrian Archery Federation