javljamo vam tužnu vijest. Umro je Draško Mihinjač.
Dugogodišnji streličar, predsjednik Streličarskog kluba Prelog, Field Manager, WA internacionalni sudac i prije svega dragi prijatelj otišao nam je naglo i prerano u njegovoj 62-oj godini.
Pogreb će biti 13.03.2019. u 14:00 na groblju Varaždin.
Suosjećamo s njegovom obitelji.
Za kontinentalnog suca je položio 2009. godine a, dvije godine kasnije postao je i WA međunarodni sudac. Sudio je na mnogo domaćih turnira, državnih prvenstava. Bio je sudac i jedan od organizatora Europskih i svjetskih kupova koje je naš savez organizirao u Poreču. Na europskim i svjetskim natjecanjima bio je sudac, glavni sudac, DOS, organizator i volonter na Olimpijadi i paraolimpijadi u Londonu, osnivač kluba 1995., a zatim i tradicionalne Zlatne strijele Preloga itd.
In Memoriam – Draško Mihinjač (1957. – 2019.) U utorak, 12. ožujka, u Multimedijalnoj dvorani Muzeja Croata insulanus Grada Preloga, održana je komemoracija za prerano preminulog Draška Mihinjača. Uz članove obitelji, komemoraciji su nazočili brojni njegovi kolege i prijatelji te predstavnici Grada Preloga. Od Draška Mihinjača se oprostio gradonačelnik Ljubomir Kolarek. Draško Mihinjač rođen je 10.10.1957. godine, a umro je 10.03.2019. godine. Od 1984. godine bio je zaposlen u Veterinarskoj stanici Prelog d.o.o. U Knjizi žalosti upisano je: „Umro je Draško Mihinjač. Riječi su to koje su prohujale Prelogom u nedjelju navečer. S neizmjernom tugom i žalošću morali smo prihvatiti tu vijest. Draško Mihinjač bio je istaknuti sportski djelatnik, sportaš, natjecatelj, organizator brojnih sportskih događanja, osvajač brojnih medalja. Nekoliko je puta proglašavan najboljim sportašem Grada Preloga. Organizator je Zlatne strijele Preloga, manifestacije prepoznatljive širom Hrvatske. Draško Mihinjač bio je i magistar veterine, istaknuti djelatnik naše Veterinarske stanice Prelog. Ostajemo bez sportaša, veterinara, ali iznad svega čovjeka. Ostajemo bez Draška. Ostavio nas je kada smo to najmanje očekivali. Otišao je kada je itekako bio potreban: svojoj obitelji, supruzi, djeci, unucima.“
Pristigle poruke i saučešća
Pismo Glavnog tajnika World Archery gospodina Tom Dielen-a:
Dear President, dear Darko
This is a very sad day for Archery and Croatia. Drasko was a great judge but especially a great volunteer. He was a key player at the start of the World Cup and even came as a volunteer to help in the World Cup Final in Lausanne. We ask you to represent World Archery at the funeral and to convey our most sincere condolences to his Family.
Best regards
Pismo Glavne tajnice World Archery Europe gospođe Alessandre Colasante:
Dear Darko,
I am very sad about the death of Drasko. I just met him in Samsun and can’t believe about it.
He was a great judge and very positive person.
Please, send the most sincere condolences to his family.
Best regards,
Condolences From Italian Judge Commitee
We are deeply saddened by the loss that the Croatian Archery Family has encountered.
In this sorrowful time, we would like to extend to you our heartfelt condolences.
The Italian Judge Comittee and all Italian Judges
Manuela Cascio
Field Committee:
Dear Darko,
I have heard the sad news about Drasko. Please accept my condolences and those on behalf of the Field Committee. He did so much work within Field and 3D.
I wonder if you would be so kind as to pass this message to his family from me personally?
To the family of Drasko,
Please accept my sympathies for the loss of Drasko. I first met Drasko and his hat over 10 years ago when I began judging internationally and he was a great support to me. He since became a great friend. We worked together in Sweden last year and had a great time. I will miss him, and his hat on the field and 3D venues. He was a great man, I am glad I had the pleasure to meet him and call him a friend. Hannah
I think I have the translation:
Obitelji Draška Mihinjača,
Primite moju iskrenu sućut povodom Draškove smrti. Prvi put sam vidjela Draška i njegov šešir prije više od 10 godina kad sam počela suditi na međunarodnim natjecanjima gdje mi je od samog početka pružio vrlo veliku podršku. Ubrzo je također zauzeo položaj iznimno dragog i dobrog prijatelja. Surađivali smo na svim Field natjecanjima od tada, uključujući i 3D u Švedskoj prošle godine, uživajući u svakom trenutku. S velikom tugom u srcu mogu reći da će mi nedostajati Draško ( i njegov šešir) na turnirima u budućnosti. Bio je velik čovjek i zahvalna sam što sam imala privilegiju upoznati ga i zvati ga prijateljem.
Moja iskrena sućut,
Hannah Brown
International judge Drasko Mihinjac dies at age 61
Drasko Mihinjac, who was an international judge and passionate volunteer for the sport of archery, died Sunday 10 March 2019 at the age of 61. He recently officiated at the 2019 European Indoor Archery Championships in Samsun, Turkey.
Drasko was a vet by trade and an avid archer.
He was involved in many tournaments in Croatia, including the Archery World Cup and various championships, and travelled internationally to events like the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games to volunteer his time.
World Archery secretary general Tom Dielen said: “This is a very sad day for archery. Drasko was a great judge but also a great volunteer and a great person.”
“On behalf of World Archery, my sincere condolences go to the archery community in Croatia and Drasko’s family and friends.”
Drasko Mininjac’s funeral will take place at 14h00 on 13 March 2019 in Varazdin, Croatia.
Lokostrelska zveza Slovenije:
Dragi prijatelji,
vest o nenadni izgubi našega stanovskega kolega in dobrega prijatelja nas je osupnila in globoko užalostila.
To, kar nam je Draško zapustil so spomini na lepe trenutke in krasno osebo.
Sodniška komisija
Svetlana Vran
I was wondering if you could pass this on to the family of Drasko for me.
I was very sad to read of Drasko’s sudden passing. I had the honour to work with him on several occasions. His calm and relaxed presence always made you feel better and if Drasko was on the Field, whether as the Organiser, Judge or Volunteer you knew that everything would be okay because he was there. He was a kind, caring and beautiful man, a true gentleman. He will be missed by so many people round the world and his memory will live on for many many years.
My thoughts and prayers are with you all at this sad time.
Kind regards
Katy Lipscomb
International Judge – UK